RamGopalVarma titled his next movie " TV Wine"?
‘ramgopal varma is an Introvert.’ ‘Varma lost his Mental Balance.’ ‘RGV is a Destructor.’ These are few of the expert views on ramgopal varma from the excerpts telecasted in a TV9 program titled ‘Ram Dhamaal Varma.’
Apparently TV9 most of the times assert for these kinds of cine postmortem programs to generate TRPs. Now, ‘KSD Appalraju’ coming out like a shocker for public has come like a catch seven program for TV9 and as usual the program editors focused more on downfall of RGV rather than the other side. Though other media friends might call it mudslinging but surely this was a routine work of TV9 working for a ‘better society’ and ‘better TRPs.’
One of the enthusiastic movie buffs after watching this ‘Ram Dhamaal Varma’ commented that as Varma is a keen lover of wine and whisky, he might start his next movie titled as ‘TV Wine’ attacking the TV9. Don’t bother about Katha, Screenplay because Varma appears to have Directed them to trash basket long back. Everything for time being is ‘Naa Ishtam.’ Let us wait and see, how kicking will be this ‘TV Wine,’ if RGV really starts it.